In recent news, a speeding crackdown targeted Virginia's three main highways: Interstates 81, 64, and 95 from Friday, August 19th through Sunday, August 21st. I...
Last year the Florida Legislature passed new laws regarding bongs and pythons, yet they failed to do anything about texting while driving. Looks like my dream...
On many unfortunate occasions, criminal prosecutions and divorce cases come hand-in-hand. As a criminal defense attorney, I have many criminal cases referred ...
“It is no secret that organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year. This is quite a profitable sum, especially when one considers tha...
THE MYTH OF THE MAGICAL EXPUNCTION FAIRY AND THE AVENUE TO EXPUNGING JUVENILE CASES Facing and resolving a juvenile offense is a difficult task with far-reachin...
1. Arrest records are forever.  With the advent of today’s electronic databases, criminal records are readily available and visible to most of the public. E...
The #1 most frequent question criminal defense attorneys get asked at holiday parties is, "If I get stopped for DUI, should I blow in the Intoxilyzer or refuse ...
I am excited to announce my new website is up and running! Going to Pinellas County Traffic Court? Take 5 minutes and give us a call first...
Recent changes to Florida law make persons convicted of a 4th DUI eligible for a hardship license. This much-needed relief for people who have changed their lif...